May 19 2023

I just finished my birdathon, with my team BrAnKy. Started at 330am in PEC and finished at 10pm at presquile. We ended up with 130 species, way more than I've ever got in a day before and it was a fun day with a great team.
Birding however, was very slow and it took a lot of effort to get what we did. We went to so many places we thought we were guaranteed certain species but often missed the goal species of the spot. We had some bizarre misses like kingfisher, bluebird, Vesper Sparrow and others. Makes us want to try again next year... If we managed to get 130 on a poor day, who knows what next year brings! No photos of birds this day, too busy birding!
Here is the donation page, donations can be made many months after the birdathon.
Here is our day list