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Ontario Field Ornithologists -Presqu'ile Provincial Park Spring Bird outing

May 22 2023

Leaders: Andrea Kingsley, Doug McRae Gerard Phillips

Nineteen people met at the beach one parking lot at 8am. We headed to the beach to look for shorebirds to start the outing off. The beach was partially flooded which created excellent habitat for shorebirds. As soon as we entered the beach, two Black-bellied Plovers were seen before they flew off. The group then began viewing a distant Piping Plover when another one flew right infront of the group providing excellent views and opportunity for photos. Other shorebirds provided excellent views when many flocks of shorebirds moved around the beach and often landed in front of the group. Dunlin, Semipalmated Plovers, Semipalmated Sandpipers, Least Sandpipers and a Sanderling were seen in these flocks. Bonepartes Gulls, an Osprey directly overhead were also highlight of the birding at the beach.

After the beach the group went to the lighthouse where there was a good diversity of warblers were seen by most of the group. Species included Magnolia Warbler, Canada Warbler, Tennessee Warbler, American Redstart, Bay-breasted Warbler, Cape May Warbler, Northern Parula, Yellow Warbler. Grey Catbird posed nicely for the group and also numerous Baltimore Orioles and an Orchard Oriole were seen. We also viewed the Purple Martin nest houses on the cottage road. Great views were had of the martins to the displeasure of a cottage owner who announced his displeasure with loud music.

We then made our way to Calf pasture where we saw more of the same species, but often better views of some of the warblers were had by most people. People were also able to view a nesting Warbling Vireo through Gerard's spotting scope. The group then had a lunch break until 1pm at Calf pasture. Some people had to leave at this point, including Doug, but the remaing headed to the Marsh boardwalk trail. Marsh Wrens, Swamp Sparrows were numerous and a Least Bittern was calling continuously, tantalizingly close to the boardwalk. Unfortunately no one could spot the bird.

We ended the trip after the trail.

The weather was gorgeous and it was a fantastic group of people with lots of birds- made for a great day! Thanks so much for Doug and Gerard for helping.

Ebird checklist for the trip:




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