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Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas -kickoff weekend event
April 23 2023 At 8am people met at the Murray Marsh natural area for the Northumberland county Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas kick-off...

Ontario Field Ornithologists -Presqu'ile Provincial Park Spring Bird outing
May 22 2023 Leaders: Andrea Kingsley, Doug McRae Gerard Phillips Nineteen people met at the beach one parking lot at 8am. We headed to...

Presquile Spring birds - Travelling Photographers group
May 21 2023 The group met at 8am at the park gate and we headed to beach one where the group had good looks of several shorebirds. 2...

Ontario Field Ornithologists trip- Rondeau
May 7 Rondeau spring birds trip Trip leaders: Andrea Kingsley, Liam Thorne, Adam Holder and Julia Marshall A total of 27 people...
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